The historic buildings of Palmanova
The Palace of the Provveditore The Palace of the Provveditore Generale was built in 1598 as the date on the keystone of the entrance gate bears witness. It was, at the beginning, the seat of the noble representative of the Republic of Venice, the highest civil and military authority of the town and later of the generals, commanders and Podestà. Today it is the seat of the office of the Town Mayor and of the Townhall.
Powder Store / Powder House This was a depot for the stocks of gunpowder used by the artillery. Three of them were built between 1810 and 1811, while the three Venetian circular powder stores were destroyed.
Loggia of the Grand Guard Near the Palace of the Provveditore, without interruption, is the Loggia of the Grand Guard. This housed the guards who defended the square and the Superintendent.
In the 1820´s an additional storey was added to the final part of the Loggia and later turned into a War Memorial. In the first half of the 1800´s, it was the seat of a theatre.
In the big arches you can find the wrought iron gates that were once situated at the town gates.
The defensive Napoleonic Barracks of the Rampart. This was the project of a General of the French military Engineers, Chasseloup, and dates back to 1808. On its façade there were the windows and doors(with a balcony) of the rooms with fireplaces for the soldiers, while on the façade towards the rampart there were slits for the fusiliers and for small pieces of artillery.
The ground floor houses the bakeries for bread making. During the siege of 1813 the Barracks were used as the seat of the Headquarters.
Santo Monte di Pietá In the left-hand corner of Borgo Aquileia, there is the building of the Santo Monte di Pietà (Holy pawnshop) with the delicate statue of the Pietà dating back to the end of the 1600’s.
This building housed an institute, established in 1666, which helped the poor inhabitants of the town .
Laboratory of Powders This was a building used for the working of powders, built by the French in about 1811.
St. Andrews Quarter During the period of rule of the Republic of Venice, 12 quarters were built for the garrison . They were given the names of various Saints.
St. Andrews’ quarter was intended for the cavalry and was commissioned by the Provveditore Generale Andrea da Lezze in 1630.
Palazzo Del Governatore dell'Armi In the right-hand corner and all along the Contrada Contarini, you can see the Palazzo del Governatore delle Armi . The building was the headquarters of the military authority and the fortress armoury during the rule of the Republic of Venice. In Napoleonic times it was acquired by the military domain and today houses the Direction of the Historical Military Museum.
San Zuane (St. John’s Quarter) This was built between 1625 and 1626 and was used by the cavalry, but in the middle of the1600’s it was changed into the soldiers’ quarters. It could house about 200 men.
Palazzo del Ragionato See in Borgo Udine the imposing Palazzo del Ragionato ( or camera Fiscale) which was the seat of the Fortress Tresurer for the Republic of Venice.
The building was built in 1598 and conjures up an image of that time, as if it hasn’t been emptied of its original volumes, even with the introduction of shop windows at ground floor level
Venetian square powder A curious point to note: near the entrance of the Junior Schools (Porta Aquileia) is the oldest building of the town. It is a small Venetian square powder magazine which dates back to 1595. Nearby there is a small building with arcades built in the middle of the1600’s housing the public abattoir.